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Can I customize my order?Updated a year ago

At, we understand that every event is unique, and we're committed to helping you tailor your flower order to suit your special occasion perfectly.

Personalizing Your Flower Order at FiftyFlowers

Reach Out to Us: If you have specific needs or preferences for your flower order, like a certain number of stems or particular types of flowers, we're here to help bring your vision to life.

Contact Options: For all customization requests or inquiries, please visit our Help Center. Our comprehensive resource is designed to guide you through personalizing your order and provides a direct way to reach out for personalized assistance.

Prompt Response: Once you've submitted your request through our Help Center, a dedicated member of our team will get in touch with you within 24 hours (1 business day) to discuss the feasibility of your request and assist you in finalizing your order, ensuring it meets your needs.

We're dedicated to creating the perfect floral arrangement for your event and will do our utmost to accommodate your customization needs. Visit our Help Center today to start personalizing your flower order with FiftyFlowers.

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