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Are roses the same quality roses I would receive from my local florist?Updated a year ago

Quality Comparison Between FiftyFlowers and Local Florists

At, we pride ourselves on delivering roses that match or exceed the quality you'd find at a local florist – and often at a much more affordable price. Here’s what sets us apart:

Freshness and Quality: Our direct-from-the-farm approach means our flowers often arrive fresher than those at a florist, which can translate to better overall quality. This freshness is key to the vibrant, long-lasting blooms we provide.

Considerations for Bulk Orders: When you order bulk flowers from us, they arrive in a natural, unprepared state – similar to what a florist receives. This means you'll have the opportunity to be your own florist, removing foliage, guard petals, and any imperfections, just like the professionals do.

Handling During Shipping: While we take the utmost care in packaging, a few flowers in each bunch might arrive with some bruises or damage due to the shipping process. These flowers might need a bit of extra care and attention.

By choosing FiftyFlowers, you're not just getting beautiful roses; you're also stepping into the role of a florist, ready to bring out the best in each bloom. With the right care and a touch of creativity, your FiftyFlowers roses are sure to be a stunning addition to any occasion.

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